Mwanza University is a private university registered by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) with the vision of becoming a world-class University of choice in teaching, research and services, and a mission statement derived from the aspirations of its founders to deliver education services in a custom that guarantees learning become easier, fun and useful for all students studying at Mwanza University producing valuable contributing citizens of the global society
To provide quality education through a conducive environment that allows easy and fun learning, Relevant Research and Community services, aiming at improving the welfare of Tanzanian community and the world at large.
The vision of MzU is “To become a World class university of choice through teaching, research, innovation and services”. The key attributes of a “world-class” university are qualified staff, academically gifted and successful students, excellence in research, quality teaching at international standards, sustainable funding, and well-equipped facilities.
Mwanza University is a private and secular university registered by the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) with the vision and mission statements derived from the aspirations of its founders to becoming a world-class University in teaching, research, innovation and services.
Mwanza university mission is to deliver education services in a custom that guarantees learning become easier, fun and useful for all students studying at Mwanza University producing valuable contributing citizens of the global society.
To become a World class university of choice through teaching, research, innovation and services
Core Ideologies
The building of a cohesive and binding organizational culture is a fundamental prerequisite for the sustainable development of the University. The following are the core values that guide Mwanza University’s organizational culture.
- We believe that nothing is impossible for us since God is our pillar.
- We believe in making conscious annual focused efforts to break our own records in quality of services and products as a driver of success and continual growth (Our today’s achievement should pave the way for a better tomorrow.
- Despite our current success, we believe in growing and investing for the future, especially in difficult times, ahead of the rest of the industry.
- We are certain that in order to achieve the desired Institutional goals, we must create and strengthen a team work spirit. Individual obligations must be completed on time and to perfection in order to achieve overall progress
- We are convinced that profit per teacher is our economic denominator and a crucial measure of our success, thus MzU should make efforts to recruit and retain teachers, market MzU programs and assisting students through applications for funding and supplying teachers with students is a necessary cost of doing business

Vice Chancellor
Prof. Flora M Fabian
DDS (UDSM) PhD Anat. (Tokyo Medical & Dental University)
Message from the Vice Chancellor
A warm welcome to Mwanza University (MzU). I am delighted to see that you have made the right choice to make the Mwanza University your university of choice to undertake your studies and achieve your dreams.
The Mwanza University is set to pioneer the provision of innovative training aimed at eliciting your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are key tools needed to compete in the global job market. We have planned in such a way that our training shall be skills and competence- oriented to allow you to develop and nurture your naturally bestowed skills that enable you to reach where you are today. This is an opening to a new page of your life towards becoming a highly motivated person in the provision of high-quality professional skills locally, regionally and internationally.
Our main objective is to provide quality training and support you to become critical thinkers and problem solvers so that you can face with confidence the dynamics of the constant changing world. We look forward to provide for you, the best possible environment to become active learners, with agility to conduct research to constantly improve as you travel your path to your dreams.

Top Management

Vice chancellor
Prof. Flora M Fabian DDS (UDSM) PhD Anat. (Tokyo Medical & Dental University)

Deputy Vice chancellor- Academic, Research and Consultancy (DVC-ARC) Prof. Pontien Ndabaneze BSc in Botany (Catholic University of Louvain) PhD in Botany (University of Liege)

Deputy Vice chancellor-Planning, Finance and Administration (DVC –PFA)Prof. Jonathan L Kabigumila, B.Sc., Msc, PhD Zoology (UDSM)

Location and Contacts
We are happy to hear from you. We welcome all enquiries, and feedback. Feel free to reach out to us.
General Information
Tel: +255782211090
Tel: +255782211095
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address: P.O.BOX: 3068, Mwanza.
Mwanza university is located 14 km from Mwanza city, along the Mwanza-Musoma Highway at Nyamhongolo (Plot No. 1, Block C), Mbugani street, Kishili ward, Tanzania.