Mwanza City
Mwanza has a great deal to offer. Our Mwanza campus is only a short walk or a quick shuttle ride away from national parks, beaches, restaurants, spectacular rock mountains with jaw-dropping vistas, coffee houses, and one-of-a-kind boutiques.
Mwanza, a city steeped in history, has grown into a hive of social, cultural, and economic activity surrounded by the magnificent Rocky Mountains that have earned it the nickname “rock City.” Saa Nane Island, gorgeous beaches, rocky slopes with breathtaking views, the Bismarck rocks, and the sukuma museum called Bujora culture centre are among the most famous tourist attractions. The enormous Serengeti national park is a 3- to 4-hour journey from Mwanza, and there is always something new to explore.
Our students like visiting Mwanza’s various neighborhoods, such as Geita (the gold town), a town noted for its gold trade, and other islands in Lake Victoria, such as Ukerewere. There are numerous activities you can partake in while in Mwanza, such as walking the streets, hiking, swimming, taking a boat ride, eating local cuisine, different sports and games. In fact, Mwanza is the city of endless entertainment.
Throughout the year, the city hosts both large and minor events. Mwanza sports enthusiasts are devoted to their favourite football teams, hosting big football games.
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