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Establishment Mission and Vision


Mwanza University is a private and secular university registered by the  Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) with the vision and mission statements derived from the aspirations of its founders to becoming a world-class University in teaching, research, innovation and services.


Mwanza university mission is to deliver education services in a custom that guarantees learning become easier, fun and useful for all students studying at Mwanza University producing valuable contributing citizens of the global society.


The vision of MzU is “To become a World class university of choice through teaching, research, innovation and services”. The key attributes of a “world-class” university are qualified staff, academically gifted and successful students, excellence in research, quality teaching at international standards, sustainable funding, and well-equipped facilities.

Establishment Mission and Vision


Mwanza University is a private and secular university registered by the  Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) with the vision and mission statements derived from the aspirations of its founders to becoming a world-class University in teaching, research, innovation and services.


Mwanza university mission is to deliver education services in a custom that guarantees learning become easier, fun and useful for all students studying at Mwanza University producing valuable contributing citizens of the global society.


To become a World class university of choice through teaching, research, innovation and services